WoW, is it cold outside! Well, it may be cold, but these graphics are designed to melt your heart. Remember back to the good old days: making snow caves, snowball fights, and catching snow on your tongue. Relive those precious memories over and over with these wonderful graphics. Spanning eleven years of drawing through my Recycle Bin Graphics website, you will surely see a few that will be perfect for your website, scrapbooking, crafting, or business needs. Collection includes graphics and backgrounds; all in transparent .gif format.
This collection has over 640 graphics and the topics cover a wide range of topics:
2 Boots & a Snowman
Baa Baa Snow Sheep
Jabberbug Winter
Penguin Party
Penguins and Snowman
Snow Cave
Snowmobile Action
Winter Whimsey
Winter Wonder
About: Recycle Bin Graphics was a business and site that I owned and operated during the DotCom explosion in the 2000s when people ran and maintained their own websites. Before Facebook and MySpace, this was a way people could keep up with what was happening with friends and family. These graphics are mostly of a small to tiny size, with the exception of the full-page and main page graphics. They were originally offered in the 2000-2011 years for website and crafting use. I no longer draw or make custom graphics as I am out of practice, but due to recent interest, once again make these available for download. Enjoy.