These shampoo bars are an excellent alternative to the products that are presently in the stores. They serve not only as a shampoo bar, but also as a face wash bar and body bar, making them ideal for home use, the gym, travel (it can be a non-liquid carry-on), and camping. While they might be formulated ideally for certain hair types, you can use them interchangeably. The bars last about as long as a bottle of shampoo with abundant lather.
They are all at least 4 ounces (113g) and come in two varieties:
Wild About Curls
Best for curly and wavy hair and most skin types.
Light scent of herbal blend
Ingredients: Saponified oils of: Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Horsetail infused Water, Lard, Shea Butter, Grape Seed Oil, Castor Oil, Argon Kernel Oil, Essential Oil Blend, Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate
Basic Beginnings (Vegan)
For most hair and skin types.
Light scent of rosemary blend
May be darker in color than photo depicts.
Ingredients: Horsetail Tea, Saponified oils of: Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Castor Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Babassu Seed Oil, Apricot Seed Oil, Argan Kernel Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Tapioca Starch, Essential Oil Blend, Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate
You are about to embark on a new hair experience. Because your hair will be transitioning back to your natural state, there are some things you need to be aware of:
1. THERE IS A TRANSITION PERIOD. This soap will remove years of commercial product build-up off of your hair shaft. As a result, your hair might feel greasy or gunky. You can go hard core and endure the transition, or you can rinse with apple cider vinegar (ACV). The ACV rinse (about 1 ounce to 4 cups water) may prolong the transition, but should ease up on the gunky feeling. Hair transitioning takes 3 - 7 washes.
2. THIS IS A LIFESTYLE. Once your hair transitions, you will want to stay with natural shampoo bars. If you go back to commercial, you may have to transition all over again. ACV rinse will not be necessary after the transition unless you desire it.
3. TO USE: Just work into the hair, rinse, and repeat. If you wash your hair every day, or every other day, you don’t need to ‘repeat’ unless you want to.
4. FOLLOW UP WITH MY CONDITIONER BAR: Please see https://simplycreativeliving.com/products/solid-hair-conditioner-in-travel-container-or-refill for more details.
Handcrafted shampoo can sometimes raise the scales of the hair shaft. This conditioner is designed to not only flatten these scales, but provide a softness you can detect after the first use. It makes the hair easier to come through.
NOTE: I have used this soap with dyed hair and also dyed on top of it with no ill effects. Of course, if you do dye your hair, please follow package directions and do a test patch first to make sure it is fine for your brand of dye.
DISCLAIMER: Please remember, if you have allergies, make sure you check the ingredients before ordering. Simply Creative Living products are not intended to cure, diagnose, treat any disease, or take the place of medical advice. Any benefits resulting from use of product are found through use and not backed by the FDA. As with any beauty product, if itching or a rash develops, please discontinue use and seek out a doctor.
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